Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Move Over Picasso!

The somewhat frustrating thing about Brazil, is that you have to go to a different store for everything you need to buy. Basic food necessities—one store. Fruits/Vegetables—another store. Paper products—another store. Clothes—another store. Paint—another store. Meat—yep, you got it, another store. There aren’t any giant superstores here, which makes every shopping outing a race against time and the other hoards of people to buy everything you need before it gets dark. I’m telling you, if I could open a Super Target in Macae, I’d be the richest woman in Brazil!

I’ve been begging Gabe for months to let me paint the apartment, because I just can’t stand the blindingly white walls anymore, and with a 3-year-old in the house, they’re impossible to keep clean. However, since we don’t know our way through the maze of the downtown area very well, it was hard for us to find a paint store. Thankfully, my sweet Brazilian friend, Carla, offered to help me out, and she came and picked me up yesterday morning. She took me to a store here in Macae called Vilarejo. It is a home improvement store, and the closest thing I’ve seen to Home Depot here in Brazil. Now that I know where to go to get things to update the house, Gabe’s wallet better prepare—I found all kinds of good stuff!

Carla flips and then rents homes here in Brazil, so the people at Vilarejo knew her very well. She was able to help me order the paint, and even get it delivered to my house. I’m still waiting for it to be delivered—that’s another thing, everything takes twice as long here, and I’ve learned a whole new level of patience. :) I’m really looking forward to starting the painting process, but without all the handy painting gadgets that I’m used to, (I only have a roller and a small brush), it may get interesting.

As for the family, Jake and Gabe are doing great! Jake is doing really well in school, and he almost has the potty training thing down! YAY! On Saturday, Jake had a Thanksgiving celebration at his school. The turn-out was great, and the staff at Maple Bear had all kinds of fun activities planned for the parents. Watching Gabe and me trying to decipher game directions shouted over the microphone in Portuguese, and then actually attempt to play the games was a riot! Inevitably, hilarity ensued, and we looked like a couple of idiots, but we really had a great time! After the games and a buffet of snacks, Jake’s class dressed up as Indians and sang a cute little song for all the parents. Here’s some pictures of my sweet little Indian. :)

That’s all for now, but stay tuned! Pics documenting my painting extravaganza are soon to follow. Hugs! :)


  1. He's so cute! I'm sure it's a wonderful experience for him to learn about different cultures and experience things he wouldn't normally see in the states. And when you get you special delivery, you must share your creativeness with us! Can't wait to see you new paint!

  2. I'm so happy you found a Brazilian Home Depot! I think I would live there...if I lived there. :) Jake is such a cutie and it sounds like you guys had fun at the celebration! Miss you tons and love you tons too!
